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노르웨이에서 숲을 거닐다 대형 moose와 마주친 어린 소년이
World of Warcraft 게임에서 배운대로 죽은 척을 해 극적으로 살아 화제가 됐다고 10일 네타비센이 보도했다.
한스 졸겐 올센(12) 이란 소년은 누이와 길을 걷다가 숲에서 대형 무스가 나오자
누이를 피신하게 하고 World of Warcraft 게임에서 배운 대로 죽은 척을 해 놀란
무스가 숲으로 도망가는 해프닝이 발생했다.
소년은 World of Warcraft 레벨 30에서 죽은 척을 해 적을 속이는 방법을 배웠다고 말했다.

[원문] http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=1222&query=view&p=1&category=&sort=PID&orderby=&where=&name=&subject=&content=&keyword=&sterm=&iskin=wow&l=2805

A Norwegian news site is reporting that a young boy and his sister were attacked by a moose (same thing happened to my sister once), and the boy reportedly "taunted' the moose away from his sister, and then feigned death, causing the moose to lose aggro and leave. "Just like you learn in level 30 in World of Warcraft," the boy is reportedly quoted as saying.

Cynic that I am, I find it hard believing any of this is true at all-- maybe one of our Norwegian readers (and I know we have them, because I met two at BlizzCon) can let us know whether "Nettavisen" is to be trusted as a source or not. But even if it is true, I'm just as hesitant to jump to praise WoW for supposedly helping as I am to condemn it for supposedly hurting.

Still, I'm glad the kid came out of it OK, and if WoW is to thank, all the better. Now if only he'd been able to control his DPS in the first place, he'd never have aggroed at all.

[원문] http://www.wowinsider.com/2007/12/05/boy-attacked-by-moose-feigns-death-thanks-wow/

2007/12/18 13:10 2007/12/18 13:10

Trackbas address :: http://zekill.pe.kr/blog/trackback/382

  1. Commented by 방성묵 zekill at 2007/12/18 17:17

    아놔...배꼽 빠지네.....ㅋ

    기사원문 중..
    boy reportedly "taunted' the moose away from his sister, and then feigned death, causing the moose to lose aggro and leave."

    ㅋㅋㅋ 무스를 도발해서 어그로를 획득하여 여동생을 피신시킨 후 죽은척하기....

    인벤 원문의 꼬릿말도 웃겨...ㅋㅋㅋ

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